Our curated selection of books and articles about food, health and the future of our planet.
In Defense of Food (Book)
The ‘Age of Nutrition’ has brought about a reductionist view of food and has all but taking the joy out of eating. Michael Pollan’s book presents well researched insights that will inspire and delight you.
The Third Plate (Book)
Hudson Valley, NY, based chef and author Dan Barber presents his argument for why we should all care about soil health. It’s all about flavour! This book is filled with fascinating research, anecdotes and stories about farmers and producers leading the way to a tastier and sustainable food future.
Slim Down Now with Pulses (Book)
Whilst we are not generally fans of any diet books, this one contains fantastic research on pulses - the awesome super food you never heard of. The method is pretty simple. Eat pulses every day, lose belly fat, stabilise blood sugar, and reduce your risk of heart disease and certain types of cancers.
What You Should Eat To Add Years To Your Life (Article)
Dan Buettner on the diets and lifestyles of those in Blue Zones — places on earth where humans live the longest
Reducing meat and dairy is the ‘single biggest way’ to have a positive impact on Earth (Article)
Whilst we aren’t proponents of looking at meat eating in absolutist terms, it is striking that 83% of farmland is providing just 18% of food calories, because it’s converted into meat. That’s planetary suicide right there. And so we see this article as a great argument to support our mantra: meat for flavour.. beans for bulk!
Make pulses part of your diet (Article)
Tying together both the health and environmental arguments for why you should make pulses, the most under-rated super food, a regular part of your diet.
Regenesis: Feeding the World Without Devouring the Planet
George Monbiot offers a breathtaking first glimpse of a new future for food and for humanity. This book captivates readers not only through its revolutionary insights into sustainable agriculture but also through its non-dogmatic approach, engaging readers in a thoughtful exploration of the complex relationship between food production, environmental sustainability, and global food security.